Vitamin D Toxicity

There are several plant species that contain vitamin D3 or a metabolite of vitamin D3. This causes calcium absorption resulting in hypercalcaemia, and deposition of calcium into soft tissue organs such as the kidneys heart, intestines, aorta, and uterus.

Plants of interest include waxyleaf nightshade (Solanum glaucophyllum), day jessamine (Cestrum diurnum), and yellow oatgrass (Tristerum flavescens).

Day Jessamine (Cestrum diurnum)

Abnormal blood findings kidney damage (azotemia), dilute urine (isosthenuria), and elevated blood levels of phosphorus (hyperphosphatemia) and calcium (hypercalcemia). The combination of high phosphorus and high calcium is not typical of most of other diseases.

Tags: Toxicities; Renal